Sunday, 24 July 2016

Krishna Pushkaralu 2016 Dates - Krishna Pushkaralu Places

Krishna Pushkaralu 2016 :- The Pushkaram is Indian Tradition Festival dedicated of Poojas of Rivers. This is called Pushkaralu. This River Poojas Celebrations Temples along the 12 major holy rivers of India. In the monogram of forebear poojas spiritual discourses, devotional music and great cultural programmes.

The Pushkaralu Celebrations happens annually once in 12 years along in each river. The each river is associated with a Rashi (Zodiac Sign), and the river for each year's Festival is found on which Rashi at the Time. 

Krishna Pushkaralu 2016 Dates:- 

Krishna Pushkaram is festival of Krsihna River, which is normally happen once in 12 years. The Krishna Pushkaralu 2016 Dates is mentioned below. The Pushkaram is See that for a period of 12 days from the time of entry Kanya Rashi. The Krishna Pushkaralu has been an age old of habitude in South Indian States of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka State.

Krishna Pushkarlu 2016 Dates 
  • Starting Date of Pushkaralu : 12-08-2016
  • End Date : 23.08.2016.
Krishna Pushkaram, Celebrated once in 12 years, this is a major festival in Andhra Pradesh State. The Pushkaram Cames from during the transit of Bruhaspathi (Jupiter ) into Kanya Rashi. The Vijayawada Krishna River is major Ghat of this Festival. A number of devotees gather here, and dip and bath in the Krishna Pushkaralu (River).

The Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State Governments are made some special arrangements during the last Krishna Pushkaralu.